What do you think about that show? Like it? hate it? Think this is exagerating?

For myself, I think this is too much. It can be dangerous sometimes but not all the times like they try to show us on tv!

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Our group took part in one of these TV reality shows in Jan. After being a part of the production, I'll never watch another one. 90% of what you see is staged and rehearsed.

Ahhhhhhh man for when I read over the posts about IRT, I laugh cause some say IRT is dissallowed in NW Territories and if ya watch the upcoming series, they filming in NW territories and Hugh Roland and his side kick driver are teaming up running together with Alex in NW Territories... As far as Hugh being a non-qualified driver, WHERE you gonna get all perfect by the book drivers for a TV show and make it interesting??? What makes the show interesting is MYA still driving and gambling NOT chaining when everyone else does for safety sake.. AS far as the rest of the show goes, one has to remember that when you being filmed then you have a camera operator constantly chatting and filming everything you say and do and maybe you get tired of that real quick but have no choice but allow it for that is part of the job..When you have a camera operator with you then you would have to be concerned about what that camera writes in his notes that might not be used then but come up later in interviews ect.. Having a camera operator that maybe you do not like wears you down real quick for driving up North wears on ya for you have to be concerned with TWO lives and how that oprerator would re-act if you were to go over the side or come close.. I love driving up north but so glad I am retired for now I get to look back..

I,m with you Alvin.They just started the new show this past sunday night and Lisa and Maya weren,t on it.Hugh,Alex and Tim were and 3 new drivers just starting.I also am retired after 32 years of OTR.I miss all the good drivers I met out there and the scenery I used to see.But now I have this site to get on and look thru the posts people have made.The only thing I don,t miss is trying to keep up with the 3 log books I was carrying.Ha,Ha dot,got ya.

I am totally for safety! In the industry since 1985, I drive when I can and rest when "my body" tells me too! Truckers and the new regs are a bunch of crap. I hate driving and 1 hour from home have to take 10 hours off ! would ne nice if the nap that was "needed" 4 hours ago could have been taken!!!  My body clock is off with the regs. We need to seep when our body tells us too. NOT because the regs say so. I cannot afford to loose out on a load.

Do what I have too and safe at doing what i do. I understand the dot remark, totally!

Thats is why I always carried 3 log books.But trying to keep up with the hours of driving in each one was shittin mad house.I,m glad now I,m retired from it.Miss it yes,but these regs HELL no.

Ms Barb mam,  YOU are the only one in control of your body and ONLY YOU know what you can handle so if you tired, pull over and take a nap if not a "power nap" where-as  you only close your eyes while in the seat for a half hour to an hour and then get out and walk around the truck and then drive more but I highly recommend a brief walk before driving after a power nap so that you do not fall asleep driving.. NO law says you have to log a power nap but it will help with "LOG BOOK AVERAGING" when figuring miles vs hours of work for if the speed limit is 65 and your driving averages 70+ then a power nap keeps ya legal in all ways.. One has to keep in mind that it is YOUR life at risk and not some voice on the phone...

this is some of the stupidest shit i ever read lmfao you guys dont have a clue

What do you mean when you said we don,t have a clue?About the regs,I can see from your profile you are not a very experienced driver.And what the HELL does Imfao mean.Sounds like something my 17 yr. old daughter would understand.How long youv,e being driving anyway,1 yr. is my quess,or probablely less.I can see your not going to make many friends on here.

Mr Dan Bestfelt, you said it all however to say it better is simply to have said some are "want to be truckers" and we older are the truckers who can teach the newbies the ways of the road as seen thru OUR EYES and not some new money grabbing school full of trainees that recently learned to drive and thinking they making a name teaching the new ones what they think they know and what they call US OLDER DRIVERS out on making us look like fools and like you, I am compelled out of nature to speak up for OUR occupation that we spent many years feeling the rath of... The newbies will NEVER learn the ways we have created for it is not taught to them in the books they pay dear prices for...

    I wouldn't let Hugh Roland or Rick Yeem drive my wheelbarrow, considering the way they pound the living crap out of the ones they drive for Polar Industries.


I looking to get hooked up with a few drivers over there to test in that area since this is good to 50 degrees below or more too.

Our Canadian Owner Operators love it.


I agree with Michael. It's always about the money but what the heck,  more people need to understand what you guys go through to get the products they all use everyday and take for granted, right? My job is to let them all know that fuel prices are why everybody's costs are going up too. It all gets passed along.



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