So why is it that truckers cannot seem to unite together? Every driver seems to wonder that. I was recently in Denver, CO at the TA and listened intently to the CB debate going on that night. it all made me wonder "why can't we?". Lets think of some reasons here. Politics? Racial Prejudice? Drivers that just do not care? From what I have heard it seems mostly to be politically fueled. Democrats, Republicans, Left Wing, Right Wing.


Currently we drivers are facing some major changes in the industry. These changes are more than likely the cause of agencies and departments seeking more revenue and/or control. I am a faithful listener to our one and only Roaddog Truckers Radio Station on the satellite radio. Seems that many truckers are involved with wanting to protect the future of trucking but I fear that only half of drivers are really aware of things and also just think that the problems will be handled by the different trucker organizations and nothing they say and do can effect any decisions made.


As truckers what is it that we can all relate too? Well we spend weeks and months from home. We are away from friends, family, children, and all loved ones while away on the road. We all experience loneliness and homesickness at times, We journey the country night and day through bad weather and good. Mostly we all want miles and to make a good living! A truck driver is a Professional Driver! WE ARE PROFESSIONALS. Why is it that some companies are paying us the same as we would if we worked at a warehouse at minimum wage? We want good benefits for us and our families. We want our children to have a good education. We work for a living to provide for our families so why can we not provide the money to our kids to pay for college? If things do not change soon we all will be driving for 0.15cpm or less.


Now what is going on behind the closed doors of FMCSA or the White House? I don't have a clue. I do know that all this political stuff is funded by corporations. Vote? these days what does that mean? Our future is effected by the decisions these politicians make. Everything has a connection. Fuel? Why is the price of Diesel rising. Why is the US Dollar decreasing in value? Did you know when the US Dollars value decreases fuel Rises in cost? And when our dollar starts to increase fuel prices lower? Everything is connected. We as truckers need to stick together. Is this going to happen? Most likely not except for a few. It does not matter if the driver has been driving for 30 years or 1 year. He is a driver. Some drivers say that they are doing well so they do not care about what the industry is doing. I feel sorry for them. Especially when our HOS changes and screws up what they thought was working for them. There was once a time when truckers made 6 figures a year. Very few do now. Your lucky to pull in $40,000 a year now in most cases.


Some drivers say lets go on strike. Some say that is dumb because for every trucker fired for going on strike there are 5 more students ready to take your place. That may be true. When I say strike. It does not mean weeks. Imagine 90% of all drivers shutting down for 24-34 hours at the same time. That would have a dramatic effect on the economy. Not enough to damage but to scare. Am I in support of this idea? Well if it comes to that, then yes. I was a Independent Contractor for about a year. I was paying out the ass for medical insurance. I tried to apply for Medicare and was denied. But the illegal family in front of me got all Medical, Food Stamps, Cash Aid, and all that approved and free to them! And here I am a trucker that works my ass off and pays into all these tax funds for medical and social security and I am denied. Some drivers say a revolution needs to happen in this country. But not just truckers say this. The government is an enterprise. And they are merging and expanding everyday. Citizens are now victims of the US Government and so are we truckers. My point is that we are all drivers. We all have opinions and differences. But we really need to all focus on our future as drivers. Contact the OOIDA for some good info. Or see their website. You have a voice, make it heard. The FMCSA has a phone line for certain topics waiting for your comments on a decision they are going to have to make. We as drivers do not have to be best friends. but we are co-workers on the highway and our "boss" is threatening  cost cuts, and stricter policies. Catch the drift?


We all talk shit to each other and use racial remarks on the CB Radio in that truck stop parking lot and highway. But it is funny when after we are parked and walking into that truck stop for some food, drink, or whatever. We hold the door open for each other. So why cant we all be "truckers" again and take care of each other, hep each other, and support or industry together?


This is my first blog. If you liked it let me know! Thanks.

Views: 636


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Comment by Fred Davidsin on March 16, 2012 at 12:41pm

I don't want to burst your bubble but, Your idea's a good one, but not new. Many years ago in the USA there was a big shut down and as I was told most all the companies drivers/brokers stopped except for a few which (lets put it this way their not as big as they used to be) did the dvr's at that time get anything I really don't. Another shut down was dated years later, it was posted on a all night truckers radio station(in Cinn) and every day right up to the date it went across the air, so there was no excuse people knew about it. I at the time was running (out of Canada) stopped at a plaza on the NJ turn pike, was going to stay there till it was all over. That morning was when it was supposed to stop, there were trucks running up and down the NJP. I asked a few drivers what happened to the shut down, I was told WHAT shut down? I cannot stop I got bills to pay. One excuse after another. Another shut down years after that one was in Canada Ontario and Quebec were supposed to shut down the same time, but of course the 2 provinces couldn't see eye to eye,  Ontario I am told shut down one day (well some stopped) or drove very slowly down the highway, and Quebec shut down later. Blocking the border crossings, it just wasn't the day to be an ass, park it was the idea thing to do. Of course there were a few that tried stupid things and rads, tires, got damaged. Did the drivers get what they wanted? I don't think so. What happened to one may be more of the leaders they ended up in jail. No to me the ONLY way anything is ever going to change for the biggest industry in nation is both countries shut down the same time. But that's never going to happen here. They did it in Europe and it worked.. but it won't here... to many excuses..  Sorry I have to be so negative but its fact.. :(

Comment by Princess Crystal! on March 2, 2012 at 7:38pm

This is the same thing I was saying last time I was out with Hubby... Its sad how it has changed in the past 3 years alone... I wish it was the way it was.. but with everyone turning to driving as an option when they have none, the trucker blood has now been changed.. Eventually they will need a *ol time trucker* for something, and they will realize how it should be... Until then, we wait....... But I do want to thank you for writing this, and wording it so well.. Its all true, and I agree with every word!!!!!!!!

Comment by Todd Daehnert on January 26, 2012 at 7:15pm

Great Blog

Comment by jeff burke on December 25, 2011 at 10:00pm

i dont think we should go on strike how about we all take vacation at the same time?if trucks stop america stops they think they can live without us.i dont think they can we should stop forn four day that will get an owner op i cant afforde to stop but i also cant afford not to im ready lets set a date and set it soon

Comment by N. Lee Greger on December 23, 2011 at 8:39am

The 24hr-34hr strike has been done before! It has taken place in the 1970's. Actually it helped, truckers (owner operators and some company drivers) did it because of the high fuel prices. If we look back in history we will find that most of the things we complain about today has happened before. If we want to salve our problems we should not forget, if it is fuel prices, working conditions, or whatever. We can't forget!

I think trucking is the best job around, like any field though the Feds have put their hands into regulating the field a bit to much. Some of the laws are good but others are just over regulation. The ones that can do the best are the "Owner Operators", they don't have company pressure on them. Just remember don't forget the past because thous who forget are domed to repeat it again and again.

Comment by Michael P.Dorsey on November 29, 2011 at 9:52am

I agree we need to come together, rather then going against each other, pay should be a motivating factor, I think we should all be on a straight salary. This way there are no hour issues, no complaining against shipper or receivers. Let me know what you think. The old story goes, "how many trucker drivers does it take to screw in a light bulb,..problem is that there are as many ways as there truck drivers!


Comment by Jean Ouellet on November 20, 2011 at 1:42pm

Very interesting comments! A national strikes? Hummmm I would go for states by states strike, 1 day for every states and then, move to another state just like a rotating strike.

Comment by Randy Stottlemire on August 24, 2011 at 11:11pm

Tim, I understood everything you wrote. And I didnt get that you said we shoild go on strike. You did say if there were a strike that you would strike. The only problem about striking. When Regan was president, he passed a law when the air traffic controllers went on strike that if any work force strikes and it causes an economic hardship on this country, you would be arrested and put into a federal pen. Now we all know they couldnt arrest all of us, but they would aresset enough of us to scare the rest of back into the drivers seat, enough said about striking.....


I will say this to comment on what you wrote, and by the way I agree with you,  I am so fed up and sick of hearing all the cb rambo bull shit, and then the same drivers will go eat together and shoot the shit with eachother while on a loading dock or at a restraunt, there best friends. Untill they get behind the wheel and grab that mic.

I have been an owner op for 32 years now and I am a professionial truck driver but also I am a wise business person. I will not put a load on my trailer that pays less then 2.00 per mile if it a long haul, if it a short haul say 200 to 300 miles i wont take it unless it pays 750. or more, and if it goes to Ny ( city or long island ) I charge 300. more just for the tolls or I dont take it, and you know what I will gross over 300,000.00 this year.  I will run empty and eat the fuel cost before I take some broker load that pay 75, 80,90,1.00 per mile, but there are so many that do, there are so many that dont have the skills to negotiate a rate, they just take the load because there affraid if they dont somebody else will, and somebody allways does.

And when it comes to being professionial,   how many times have you been in a truckstop restraunt and hear drivers saying   F  this   F  that   GD this  GD that,  there are persons other then truckers at the truckstop that has to listen to the words coming out of our mouths,  how about while on a dock, you dont get unloaded right away or loaded right away, hey nobody likes to sit time is money, but you dont start cursing, yelling, and screaming at a reciever, or shipper, hows about while out on the road driving, you come up on a construction zone and the spped limit is 45mph, and some dumbass in a truck comes flying by you at 65, 70 or more, or tailgating, HOW PROFESSIONIAL is this.  My point to all this is simply,  How can we expect to be treated as Proffesionial Truck Drivers, when we act like a bunch of Dumbasses.   and by the way I just love to see a driver that climbs out of his truck in a pair of sandles, shorts, and a big fat belly hanging out from the bottom of his shirt.

If we wont respect, we have no choice to give respect, if we wont to be treated and thought of as Professionials we have no choice but to conduct ourselves as such.

I am a Proud, Proffesionial Truck Driver.

Thanks for voicing your thoughts and thanks for being a Proffesionial Truck Driver

Randy Stottlemire

S & R Enterprises, Inc.

Conesville, Ohio

" America Moves By Truck "

Comment by noah white on May 13, 2011 at 5:08pm
Comment by noah white on May 12, 2011 at 8:22am


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